B&K Systeme GmbH
Wherever you need help, we are there.

ENGINEERING & Green Energy

Producing green hydrogen from renewable energy

That sounds like an exciting and future-oriented project! 

Hydrogen technology plays a crucial role in the energy transition and offers numerous possible applications, from mobility to energy supply to industry.

B&K Systeme would be happy to support you with your project. What specific aspects or questions do you have about your hydrogen project? Here are some areas where we could help you:
1. Technological basics: Information on hydrogen production, storage and use.
2. Market development and trends: Current developments and future prospects in the hydrogen market.
3. Regulatory framework: Legal requirements and funding programs.
4. Project management: Tips for project planning and implementation in the hydrogen sector.
5. Application scenarios: Specific possible uses of hydrogen in various sectors.
6. Parts design and analysis

Engineering services
Products development is considered as an essential in B&K Systeme GmbH.

Product engineering entails designing, developing, and testing product features, meanwhile Product development is a complete procedure from conceptualization to the final product.

Engineering services are the backbone of any product development. They include the process of conceptualizing, designing, and developing a product. To achieve this goal, we have an experienced team of engineers who will work with you to create a feasible solution.

Here are some pictures of our Projects.
We look forward to your email! 

  • windmill-sea
  • solar-roof
  • separating sys
  • destilation
  • laser-machine