B&K Systeme GmbH
Wherever you need help, we are there.

About us

B&K Systeme was established in 1997 in Hamburg with the following goals.
Our idea was to offer a high quality products at an affordable price.

• Export and import, especially raw materials of the textile industry, such as wool fibers and viscose polyamide, and textile industry machines, systems and technical goods related to the automobile industry, which trade is possible without a license.
• Investigating the new energy system such as hydrogen, which includes specific strengths, challenges, framework conditions, and the systemic view of the local energy system from conversion to consumption.
• International partnerships for sustainable innovation, research and implementation of projects in the energy sector and "disaster risk reduction". Natural - Identifying related research and knowledge needs in the energy sector.
• Education, knowledge transfer and training with a focus on trainers inside and outside the country.
• Teaching and performing multi-risk analysis by considering cascade effects in natural and anthropogenic systems. Risk assessment in the background of urbanization and with the participation of experts to train and implement rapid warning systems and integrated control centers, remote sensing, engineering geology and communication technology.


Our competent and friendly staff will be happy to help you..


H. Khaboshany
Managing Director and Founder 



Wolfgang Derouaux
Sales and Export Director


Arman Ghezelbash

 Product and Regional Development Manager